West Wallasey Car & Van Hire offers minibus makeover for Wirral youth facility – Liverpool Business News

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West Wallasey Car & Van Hire offers minibus makeover for Wirral youth facility
Based in Birkenhead, the Hive uses the vehicles to transport young people to events, sport tournaments and residential visits and the van hire firm is a major supporter of the work that it does
One of Merseyside’s best-known commercial vehicle hire firms has given a makeover to a minibus used by Wirral’s purpose-built youth facility, The Hive.
Based in Birkenhead, the Hive uses the vehicles to transport young people to events, sport tournaments and residential visits.
Commercial vehicle leasing specialist, West Wallasey Car & Van Hire is a Founder Patron of The Hive and, along with a number of other local businesses, makes a significant contribution to the youth zone’s annual running costs.
Having supplied the minibus to The Hive last year, the firm offered young people attending the youth zone the opportunity to spruce their van up by entering a livery design competition.
They worked on their designs during art sessions at The Hive and, after a flood of entries was received, a winner and two runners-up were selected, with winning entrant 14-year-old Amy Simpson seeing her colourful design unveiled on the minibus.
In recognition of their artistic talent, Paul Kenny, West Wallasey Car & Van Hire director presented prizes to Amy and runners-up, nine-year-old Evie Kershaw and 10-year-old Niamh Roberts.
Amy received a new bicycle, giving her the chance to learn how to cycle for the first time. Evie and Niamh were presented with Amazon vouchers and West Wallasey Car & Van Hire goody packs
Mr Kenny said: “We are very proud to be a founder patron of The Hive and we have been most impressed by the excellent work that has been achieved during the opening year. 
“The young people of Wirral have really embraced the centre and their enthusiasm is a joy to see.  We were extremely impressed by the creative talents and high standards of the design entries and choosing a winner was a tough decision.”
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