Stockton firm donates much-needed minibus to Zoe’s Place baby hospice in Normanby – Teesside Live

Zoe’s Place lost its eight-seater Citroen people carrier when it was written off in a hit and run in Darlington on December 30
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Staff at a baby hospice which lost its people carrier in an accident had their hearts warmed when a hire firm company donated a much-needed minibus to replace it.
The workers at Zoe’s Place baby hospice were devastated when their eight-seater Citroen people carrier, which the charity relied on to transport babies and children with life-limiting conditions, was written off in a hit and run in Darlington on December 30.
A member of staff was out collecting supplies when a white transit van collided with the people carrier which was so badly damaged that it was declared a write-off. Moments after the crash, the van reversed into a blue Astra convertible car before fleeing the scene – the culprit is yet to be caught.
When Transflex Vehicle Hire, based at Portrack, Stockton, heard about the hospice’s plight they decided to donate a free 14-seater mini bus valued at £25,000 complete with Zoe’s Place teddy bear branding.
Zoe’s Place general manager Mark Guidery said: “You can tell how I feel by my face – it’s fantastic. It’s got so much more room than the people carrier did.
“The nurses used the people carrier all the time. This means the nurses can take the children to the beach or the park or where ever they want to go. We have it on a long term loan – 12 months.
“To have this all the way through the summer. They can just go off, have a good time and enjoy themselves.”
After losing their people carrier Zoe’s Place put out an appeal on Facebook and help soon came pouring in. Within weeks, £1,200 had been donated and the post has been shared almost 3,000 times.
“Many of the children have very special needs. We’re going to use the money we raised to buy specialist seats for the minibus,” said Mark.
The minibus was handed over today, at the hospice, Crossbeck House, High Street, Normanby, Middlesbrough.
Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice offers end of life care to babies and toddlers and those facing life limiting illnesses.
Transflex managing director Peter Abdale said: “We had no hesitation offering a replacement vehicle when we heard what had happened. It’s the very least we can do. Our hearts went out to the hospice and it’s great to know the mini bus will be put to excellent use.”


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