Single women allowed to rent houses in Sharjah – Emirates 24|7

No law has ever been issued in Sharjah that prohibits leasing of apartment to “single” women, the Sharjah Municipality has said.
In a statement issued by the Sharjah Media Centre, Sultan Al Mualla, Director General of Sharjah Municipality, said no law has ever been issued in Sharjah that differentiates between women and men, and targets women specifically, with regards to housing rentals. He said single women in Sharjah can certainly continue to rent apartments according to their personal needs.
He confirmed no complaints or reports have been received to date from women regarding landlords’ refusal to lease apartments or the lack of clarity in the law of leasing for singles.
Special area has been designated for housing single male workers in the industrial areas in order to preserve the comfort and privacy of residential areas for families and women, Al Mualla informed.
The statement also said that number of owners and managers of real estate offices in Sharjah have conveyed their full understanding of the law of lease for singles, which does not differentiate between women and men.
Sudha G, a single woman, has been residing in Sharjah for the past five years, told ‘Emirates24|7’ that her landlord had asked her to bring a no-objection certificate from the Municipality for renewal of her lease.
After being informed about the clarification from the municipality, she said: “I was pretty sure that they didn’t understand the new law for bachelors… I stay with my daughter here and was a bit worried, but now I am relaxed after I hear the clarification from you.”
In April, the Sharjah government had issued a directive that bachelors residing collectively in families-only residential zones must vacate the premises as their presence poses a concern to families living in such areas.
The statement also stated that the government had taken appropriate measures such as identifying suitable alternative accommodation for the labourers before evacuating them from families-only housing areas.
Mualla explained Sharjah has identified Almhnin area to accommodate single male workers in industrial zones.
He also denied receiving any complaints from women claiming they were denied accommodation by landlords.
A number of owners and managers of real estate offices in Sharjah also said there was no rule differentiating men and women with regards renting apartments.
Jalal al-Din, Secretary-Director, GMT Real Estate, said his group, which owns 24 buildings in Sharjah, also said there are no barriers in leasing apartments to single women. He added that he has been leasing several apartments to single women.

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