Missing son found dozing off in bus – News – Khaleej Times

Sat, Mar 30, 2024 | Ramadan 20, 1445
Published: Sun 30 Mar 2008, 8:31 AM
Last updated: Sun 5 Apr 2015, 6:51 PM

He was later found sleeping in the school bus that was supposed to drop him near his home, thanks to the negligence on the part of the bus driver.
When the 8-year-old boy, identified as M.A., did not return from school the matter was reported to the police. The mother of the boy also called up the school management several times to trace the whereabouts of her son, but the school officials told her that the school bus had left as per schedule.
The boy’s home is near Sharjah Airport and the school is located in Sharjah Industrial Area-6.
It is learnt that the school bus was doubling up as transport for students during the day and for labourers in the evenings. The boy was found sleeping in the bus by some labourers who boarded the bus that evening to travel to their labour accommodations.
The boy’s family has accused the school management of negligence. However, the school management has shifted the blame on the driver. S.M., assistant in charge of transport at the school, said the driver was to be blamed for his lack of attention and it was his reponsibility to see that all students were dropped off near their homes.
He, however, admitted that the bus had been rented from a car rental company. S.M added that the school administration had asked the car rental company to replace the bus driver.
Meanwhile, the Sharjah Education Zone has asked the child’s family to formally lodge a complaint against the school.
The school management, too, has been asked to submit a report on the incident.
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