Dubai Taxi rents 119 smart school buses to Nasser Al Razooqi Group – Emirates 24|7

The Dubai Taxi Corporation (DTC), Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has inked an agreement with Nasser Al Razooqi Trading Group whereby the DTC would rent out 119 smart school buses to support the Group in this vital field; enabling the serving of two private schools. These buses will be fitted with the latest technologies conforming to the highest global standards and stipulations set by the RTA. Dr. Yousef Al Ali, CEO of DTC and Major General Nasser Al Razooqi, Chairman of the Group, have signed the agreement in the presence of officials from both parties.
“The agreement provides for the DTC to rent 119 school buses to Nasser Al Razooqi Trading Group in support of its activities in the school transport sector. RTA is keen to expand its services to this sector, especially in partnership with the private sector. The DTC has made contracts for procuring 130 school transport buses according to specific of standards to fulfil the needs of operators in this sector. It already has 143 school buses, which brings the total to 273 buses. Such efforts conform to the directives of the Dubai Government calling for delivering excellent & safe school transport services,” explained Al Ali.
“Doubling the number of school buses is in response to the growing demand for the service where the number of students registered in the service has touched 3000 students. The 5-Year Plan of the DTC envisages endorsing a new set of programs & initiatives to leverage the school transport service in a bid to beef up the fleet to as much as 650 buses by 2021,” he added.
Reflecting on the improvements of the school transport sector and the provision of smooth & safe services to students of various ages. “The new buses are equipped with the highest safety & security features, surveillance cameras connected to DTC’s Control Center; with footage retrievable if needed. These cameras can monitor the continuous movement of the student while seated, and figure out if the student has not alighted from the bus. Additionally, buses are fitted with a GPS satellite tracking system which sends text messages to inform parents of the time their children have boarded or alighted from buses at homes or schools,” said  Al Ali.
Commenting on the agreement, Major General Nasser Al Razooqi said, “This contract with DTC to operate 119 school buses is a positive step towards supporting the Public-Private Partnership (PPP). It will also broaden the scope of school transport in Dubai Emirate and provide high-class services of a fleet of smart buses to fulfil the needs of future generations. Moreover, the doubling of the operating fleet of school buses offers parents safe & reliable mobility options for their children.”
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