Driving a Foreign Vehicle in Norway – Life in Norway

Buying a new car in Norway is expensive, so many people wonder if they can bring their own with them. Here are the rules on driving foreign-registered vehicles in Norway.
If you come across to Norway on a car ferry from Denmark or Germany with your vehicle, can you use it in Norway? If you are a tourist, it’s straightforward. If you live in Norway, not so much.
There is considerable bureaucracy behind this, with different applications depending on your situation. Firstly, The Norwegian Tax Administration has a wizard that can help you in assessing which rules apply to you. We’ll give you a rundown here.
If you are a permanent resident of Norway, you cannot use your foreign registered vehicle in Norway, with some exceptions that I’ll touch on later.
If you are a permanent resident of any other country, you can use your vehicle in Norway without paying taxes or duties, as long as your stay is temporary.
It doesn’t matter where you come from, the rules are the same for everyone. That being said, at present there are some temporary exceptions for asylum seekers from Ukraine.
Cars, vans, motorhomes, motorbikes, all-terrain vehicles (ATV), trailers and caravans are covered by these rules. Note that these rules apply to the vehicle itself. You must also check you have a valid driving license for use in Norway. Now, onto the detail!
If you are temporarily staying in Norway, you can use a foreign vehicle for up to two years. You must apply for a temporary driving permit the second year.
Note that you are no longer considered a temporary resident of Norway if you’ve lived in Norway for more than 365 days during the last two years, or if you’ve been registered in the National Register (Folkeregisteret) for the last 365 days.
Permanent residents of Norway are not able to use a foreign-registered vehicle in Norway. There are some exceptions.
As a permanent resident, you can use a foreign-registered rental car in Norway for up to 42 days during a 12-month period. The period can be divided into a number of periods.
You must report the use of the vehicle to the Norwegian Tax Administration before bringing it into the country.
Permanent residents can also use a foreign-registered privately loaned vehicle in Norway for maximum 25 days during a 12-month period. The period can be divided into a number of sub-periods.
You must report the use of the vehicle to the Norwegian Tax Administration before bringing it into the country.
You can store the vehicle as long as you don’t exceed the limitations (25 days of use during a 12-month period). This includes enough time to take the vehicle out of Norway. You must report the private storage separately.
Permanent residents of Norway can get a permit to use a foreign-registered company car. You must apply for a driving permit before the vehicle is brought into Norway.
You can only apply if your employer is established outside Norway. This also applies if you are self-employed and the vehicle is made available by a client outside Norway. These conditions must also be met:
If you have family connections outside Norway, you are considered a permanent resident outside Norway. And this means you can use your foreign car in Norway without applying for a driving permit. This is even if you are a Norwegian resident in the Norwegian National Registry. 
You have family connections when you live with your spouse or children under 18 years of age outside Norway and visit them regularly (at least once per month).
If you’re moving to Norway permanently, you must import your car. However you can apply for a temporary driving permit for a foreign-registered vehicle in connection with your move. The driving permit can be issued for up to 14 days.
If you’re moving from Norway, you can apply for a temporary driving permit for a foreign-registered vehicle in connection with your move. The driving permit can be issued for up to 14 days.
You must be able to document at all times that you fulfill the conditions for using a foreign vehicle in Norway. In addition to documentation of residency, you may be asked to document how long you intend to stay in Norway, for example an employment contract.
If you break the rules, this can be costly. You then have to pay the applicable taxes and duties. And you probably also have to pay additional tax.
I hope you found this rundown useful! Don’t forget to familiarise yourself with the rules of the road in Norway.
Victoria Åsne Kinsella is a Norwegian married to a Canadian with two teenage sons. She works as a freelance writer following 20 years in public sector HR, and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Toronto.
In Numbers: Road Traffic Accidents in Norway
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Interesting article, thanks!
It is unclear to me how the polish residents, across the street, have been using a polish registered car for the last couple of years? Are there some exceptions in that regard as well?
According to what you mentioned in your article they could, unknowingly, be breaking the law.
Thanks! They are probably frontier workers who are not residents in Norway, but Poland. And as such, able to bring their car back and forth from visiting family.
Thank you for very clearly explained article. But I still have a question: How about if I am permanent resident in Norway (Norwegian drivers license), I own Norwegian car, but have foreign friends visiting me for 2 weeks from abroad and together we travel around Norway in their vehicle (foreign registered). Am I allowed to drive this car in such a case? Because it is super rude to have only my friend driving for all 2 weeks. Thank you in Advance
You can register short-term use for up to 14 days here:
I can’t see why this shouldn’t be possible, but I assume your application will be rejected if that’s the case.
I understand you want to share the driving 🙂

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