Amazon courier drivers being 'ripped off' with large deductions to their wages – Daily Record

Unions have blasted the deductions but a courier firm has defended itself saying its drivers are “too lazy”.
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Former Amazon drivers who quit over working conditions say they’ve been ripped off with deductions to their wages.
“Self-employed” Amazon couriers see costs come off their daily pay.
The sizeable wage deductions can include the cost of hiring a van via the courier firms who deliver for the online giants.
The annual cost of leasing the vehicles often runs to the sum needed to buy the van outright.
Unions have blasted the deductions but a courier firm has defended itself saying its drivers are “too lazy” to sort out better deals.
In December, we told how an undercover reporter found gruelling working conditions at an Amazon depot.
With the cost of van hire and long hours eating into his £112 pay, it often meant he was working for less than the minimum hourly rate.
Former Amazon driver Brian Dowling, 33, says he, too, found the cost of leasing a van astronomical.
He was charged nearly £12,000 a year to rent his van via courier firm One Motion Logistics.
The driver, who worked from Amazon’s Eurocentral depot in the run up to Christmas, said: “The charges are outrageous and stressful. I was charged £228-a-week to rent a van via One Motion Logistics.
“Someone is making a lot of money from the deals. I was told – as everyone I trained with was – that this was the best deal available. But that’s not true. After paying it for two weeks, I sorted my own van with all the right insurance.
“That took me down to around £100-a-week for a van – less than half what the courier firm was charging me.
“I wasn’t paid until nearly two months after starting and even then my wages were down fuel costs. Amazon and the courier firm hold all the cards and the workers are powerless to do anything about it.”
Brian quit before Christmas but says he is still owed money. He added: “The job was horrific. Some days I’d be out from 6.30am until midnight and was falling asleep at the wheel on the motorway. One Motion Logistics still owe me money – but we’ll see when they pay it.”
Another driver – who does not want to be named in case it jeopardises outstanding wages owed to him by another Amazon courier firm – said he was hit with unjust penalties after quitting.
He said: “This was the second seasonal Christmas work I did but conditions and pay have deteriorated.
“This year, I earned £52-a-day after deductions for a 12-hour day. It was terrible so I quit. But then I got deductions from my outstanding wages. It included £400 for missing equipment from the van. But nothing was missing.
“When I disputed it, they caved in and gave me it back. But they do it to everyone – making unjust deductions to the drivers who just take it.” One Motion Logistics defended how much it charged its drivers for leasing vans. It said 99 per cent of its drivers lease vans from them.
The Oxfordshire-based courier firm’s Liam Abdullah said the high costs were caused by administrative costs, flexibility of the terms of the lease and risks to the vans.
But he blamed the drivers for failing to shop around.
He said: “The majority of people are seemingly either too lazy, unable or unwilling to do the small amount of legwork required to ensure they are getting the best possible deal.”
Union GMB Scotland senior organiser Louise Gilmour said: “This is more damning evidence to support the view that there is no such thing as a ‘gig economy’. This is just exploitation of human beings.”
The Amazon couriers are technically self-employed, meaning they miss out on sick pay, holiday pay and pensions. Their deliveries helped the internet giant record £8.8billion sales in the UK last year.


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